Save money on makeup remover wipes

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Disclosure: I received product samples. Post contains affiliate links; if you make a purchase, I may earn commission. Opinions shared are mine.

Most people look forward to Fridays. I enjoy the anticipation of the weekend, but I often have to get over the hurdle of Friday night football games first. Don’t get me wrong; it’s so much fun to be at the games! Afterwards, though, the exhaustion of the week sets in. When I walk through the door, I can’t wait to take off my makeup. The convenience of makeup remover wipes just works for me. Wipes are portable and efficient. It bothers me, though, that they create so much waste, and that they’re expensive! So it’s always nice to save a bit of money on my supply of makeup remover wipes.

Cut them in half

Simply keep a pair of scissors near your wipes. When you pull out a new one, cut it in half width-wise. I fold the cloth in half when one side looks like it needs to be switched out. That half is enough for me to remove all of my face makeup.

Try the store brand

For years, I’ve been buying the SIMPLE brand of face wipes. They worked well on my skin, and I found them to be very effective at removing even my clingiest mascara. A few months ago, I tried the Up & Up brand of wipes at Target and discovered that they work just as well for me. Since they cost less than half of the brand name, this was a great buy for me. I try to stock up when the Up & Up products are discounted through the Cartwheel app, or when a free gift card offer is available.

Makeup Remover Towel

Consider this the Magic Eraser of makeup removal. I definitely did not expect the AuroTrends Makeup Remover Towel to be my new favorite item. These reusable cloths come in a 2 Pack. They are soft as can be. The fabric reminds me of a minky blanket. Each cloth has a generously sized loop on one end, making it easy to hang from a towel hook to dry. As you can see from the photo, this towel really did the trick on my mascara. All I needed was water! This would be a great item to keep in the camper. After using the cloth, my skin felt clean and fresh.

Use the coupon code 30ATDCHP to save 30% off the original price

What do you prefer to use when washing your face?

Check this out….


  1. These are good ideas. I never thought about cutting them in half. One can also get a good deal getting them in bulk at costco or sams

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