Melitta vintage-inspired Signature Series Pour-Over coffee maker

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Disclosure: I received a product sample; opinions shared are mine.

It’s been said that if you don’t like the weather here in east Tennessee, just wait 5 minutes.  It will change.  So true!  We can go from 30 degree mornings to 75 degrees at lunchtime, warm in the morning and snow in the afternoon.  These weather changes can really take a toll on my well-being.  Today I woke up with the shadows of a headache forming in my temple.  I knew the only thing to head it off was the perfect cup of coffee.  Does anyone else long to see this stream of ambrosia flow into your bloodstream?

My daughter and I are the only coffee drinkers in the house, so our Keurig doesn’t get a lot of action.  Melitta’s pour-over series is a terrific way to brew a single cup.  It’s also convenient when you’re out of K-cups, like I was this morning!

A few weeks ago, this bag of The Fresh Market peppermint cream coffee found its way into my shopping cart. I couldn’t resist.  It was the perfect way to test out my adorable yellow Signature Series pour-over coffeemaker carafe set!

The set came with 4 compostable paper cone filters, plus a coupon to use on a future purchase.  I’ll be looking for more ground coffee flavors because this was delicious!

Sometimes coffee upsets my stomach, especially when it’s too strong or has been sitting on the burner for too long.  I don’t usually buy coffee at gas stations or restaurants because of this.  The Melitta coffeemaker brewed the perfect brew!  It was full of flavor and depth without bitterness.  I typically add a lot of cream and sugar to my cup, but I didn’t need much with this.  The flavor was so good that I could drink it black.

Oh, blessed coffee.

Many thanks to Melitta for helping me find the perfect cup of coffee!  This set is so convenient for those who don’t have an electric coffeepot at work.  Wouldn’t it be handy to store in the camper, too?  I just love it.   I’m wondering if I could use it to brew a cup of tea, too…..that might be my next experiment!

Tell me about your coffee!

What’s your favorite coffee flavor?  
If you don’t drink coffee, leave a comment about your favorite hot beverage.  


Check this out….


  1. I don’t drink coffee too much but my dad does, usually darker roasts or mixed beans from hawaii etc.. I like Mocha

  2. I like to drink Chai Tea.

  3. rochelle haynes says

    Looks like good tea

  4. Katie Bellamy says

    I love my coffee, and the color of this coffee pot!

  5. This looks so delicious. I have to have my coffee, and the coffee maker is so cute.

  6. love a good cuppa joe and I am a fan of melitta

  7. Tamra Phelps says

    I don’t think I’ve ever seen a pour over coffeemaker. That looks like a neat gadget.

  8. This does look great. I could use this at work.

  9. Angela Saver says

    Pour over coffee is the best and this looks awesome to travel with as well!

  10. LeAnn Harbert says

    I just drink French VaBill a coffee. My Mother would like to have this coffee set.

  11. Mary Gardner says

    I would love to try this. I haven’t had pour over coffee but usually use a french press.

  12. Love the pour over idea and the vintage look

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