Time to come clean with my dirty little secret

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My sister and I have an unspoken pact to go to Pampered Chef parties together whenever we could.  We needed each other’s support to get through the cheesy pitches and games.  There’s always that moment when the consultant asks what the guests’ favorite Pampered Chef product is; we get a little giggly when we hear some of the passionate responses.   Does anyone really love their kitchen gadgets that much?  Apparently so.  For us, we agree that the orange peeler is a pretty nifty little tool.  When I’m being honest, though, my Pampered Chef stoneware is probably my favorite product.  I’ve had some of my stoneware for years and it’s just about the only way I can make biscuits without burning them.  Crescent rolls come out perfectly baked, and my friend Kathy swears that the stoneware loaf pan is the secret to my banana bread recipe.

But here’s my dirty little secret.  

I put my stoneware in the dishwasher.

My dirty little secret!  savingsinseconds.com

You see, you’re not supposed to wash the stoneware with soap.  Using the stone “seasons” it which means that it gets these dark spots on it.  Soap can get into the porous stone and make it taste awful.  There are two problems I have with this.  First, I never feel like the stoneware gets adequately cleaned if I only use hot water and the scraper.  Also, I hate to wash them by hand.  It’s time consuming and messy.  It probably uses waaaaayyy more water than a regular dishwasher cycle, since I have to soak, wash, and rinse so many times to feel like it’s clean.  So…….. I put the pan(s) in the dishwasher and use the sanitizing hot cycle, minus the detergent.  I figure that it steams away any germs that might linger through the rinse.

I’m sure Pampered Chef doesn’t endorse putting their stoneware in the dishwasher.  There’s probably some clause in the lifetime guarantee that states that these actions make the guarantee null and void. That’s okay, because I’ll never be able to find the receipt in case of a broken stoneware pan anyway.  As long as it doesn’t kill a unicorn anyway, I’m sticking with my plan because it’s probably the only way I’ll get the stoneware washed.

Do you have a dirty little kitchen secret to share?   Do you sneak veggies into your soup or maybe pass off Stove Top as homemade stuffing?  Do tell!


Check this out….


  1. Jenna Wood says

    Well, I use my dishwasher as a drying rack, does that count?

  2. Hmm, dirty little kitchen secrets … I sometimes don’t wash my potatoes w/ the potato scrubber as long as I should. lol.

  3. I don’t really have any kitchen secrets, but I am impressed your stoneware hasn’t cracked. I have a pizza stone and I wash by hand.

  4. Hmm… not sure I have a dirty secret. I do tend to use last night’s leftovers and mix them into the scrambled eggs some mornings just to get rid of them faster. – Katy

  5. I only have a pizza stone and I didn’t even think of putting it in the dishwasher. Bu I don’t think I ever washed it – OOOPS. I just think it burns all the bad stuff off.

  6. Sherry Compton says

    I like your secret and instead of taking it as dirty I’m using it for a tip. Thanks.

    As for me,…don’t we all have these. Rinsing veggies is kind of like scrubbing. My daughter looks at expiration dates as suggestions.

  7. That is so funny. I never thought about a dirty kitchen secret. LOL! I have not been to a Pampered Chef party in ages!

  8. I’ve done nothing in my kitchen that ever killed a unicorn.

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