On My Bookshelf: Return to the Desert by Dr. Jerry Burgener

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A few days ago I posted my review of Desert Journey by Dr. Jerry Burgener and promised there would be more. This week I finished Return to the Desert and again was surprised by the depth of the novel, even though it is such a small book.  I encourage you to read Desert Journey before Return to the Desert because it really isn’t a stand-alone book. Although the situations are a bit different and there are some new characters, the background of the story is really set with the first book.

This time when  Jerry returns to his spiritual guide, he has a little more under his belt in the way of self-reflection.   He has relapsed into his old ways, however, and must find the meaning of his dreams and connection to the people who have been bound to him through the ages.  I admit that I was really not expecting the outcome of the book.   I’m surprised that  Jerry is so open with his feelings and personal experiences with the people that he meets.  It’s almost as dramatic as watching reality TV in some ways.  Still, Jerry learns some good life lessons that enable him to lead others in the way that his guide taught.  Keep a box of good granola bars nearby while reading this book; you’ll probably get the craving for them.  This is the kind of story that would make a good book club read or even a made-for-TV movie.

If you’ve struggled with relationship issues or finding the meaning of happiness, take a page from Burgener’s book and explore your feelings.  You might be surprised at what you learn.

Dr. Jerry has a Ph. D. in Human Learning and has vast professional experiences including the school setting, mental health organizations, and as a forensic psychologist. He enjoys skydiving, scuba diving, and much more.  You can find out more about Dr. Jerry on his website Creating the Best.




(Disclosure: I received a copy of the book for review. This post contains affiliate links.  The opinions in the post are 100% mine.)

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