One Word for Today for Spirit Filled Living — A 90-Day Devotional

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Disclosure: I received a book from the publisher for review. Opinions shared are mine.

When New Year’s comes around, are you in the Choose a Word camp, or Make a Resolution? I lean more toward choosing a word. I find it easier to focus on one overall idea that can impact my whole day (or year), rather than one action that might fizzle out around January 3. The new 90-Day devotional One Word for Today features very short messages with a 4-step action plan.

The messages take about 30 seconds to read. Each one focuses on scripture and how it applies to our modern lives. I felt like the devotions would be best read in the morning in anticipation of the day, but you can also choose evening if that’s what works best for you.

After the short message, there are 4 steps to finish the devotion.

Reflect: Consider how the message relates to your life.

Pray: Use the message as a guide to your prayer. There is a prayer included daily, in case you prefer to use that instead of your own.

Declare: Speak aloud one sentence that claims your stake on God’s word. For me, this one is the most valuable. Hearing it aloud is so powerful! It’s also easy to repeat throughout the day.

Act: Throughout the day, look for ways to interpret and integrate the message you read.

I don’t carve out too much time for devotions, unfortunately, so this book is just about the right size for me! It gives me a chance to focus on my faith for a few moments each morning. Each word makes me feel empowered to tackle my day.

What word makes you feel empowered?

Check this out….

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