Otherworld by Jason Segel and Kirsten Miller

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Disclosure: I received this cool book free from the publisher. Opinions shared are mine.

I always know it will be a great book when my daughter says, “Okay, you can review it, but I get it next!”  These words came after the squeals (mine) over this amazing cover. Look at the beauty!

Gamers, sci-fi, and fantasy fans alike will find creepy companionship in Otherworld.  It’s an interesting mix of artificial intelligence gone wrong plus futuristic Romeo and Juliet.  Forbidden love meets computer-based bad guys?  Yes, please.  My students are fairly obsessed with coding, and playing laptop games often consumes my own children’s free hours.  Maybe I should start reading this book aloud to my kids; it might make them reconsider screen time.

The narrative sometimes finds acute focus on random details, such as the main character’s nose. While such topics have merit as background information, I really wanted to focus more on the psychological effects of living in a game world.  The book has a few shady parts (such as brothels in virtual reality…not too many details given, but the thought is ICK) but overall it will likely appeal to teen readers.  The character development is solid enough to make me want to know more, and there’s enough going on to keep the story moving!

About the Book:


Author: Jason Segel & Kirsten Miller

Pub. Date: November 7, 2017

Publisher: Delacorte Press

Pages: 368

Formats: Hardcover, eBook, Audiobook

Find it: Amazon, B&N, iBooks, Audible, TBDGoodreads

The company says Otherworld is amazing—like nothing you’ve ever seen before. They say it’s addictive—that you’ll want to stay forever. They promise Otherworld will make all your dreams come true.
Simon thought Otherworld was a game. Turns out he knew nothing. Otherworld is the next phase of reality. It’s everything you’ve ever wanted.
And it’s about to change humanity forever.

Welcome to the Otherworld. No one could have seen it coming.

About Jason:

New York Times bestselling author Jason Segel used to have nightmares just like Charlie, and just like Charlie, he’s learned that the things we’re most afraid of are the things that can make us strong…if we’re brave enough to face them. Jason likes acting, writing, making music, and hanging out with his friends. Sometimes he writes movies. Sometimes he writes songs for movies. Sometimes he stars in those movies and sings those songs. You might know him from The Muppets and Despicable Me. Your parents might know him from other stuff. Nightmares! is his first novel.

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About Kirsten:

I write books.

Some of my books are what librarians call middle grade. (Kiki Strike, Nightmares!)

Some should be kept away from small children and people with weak stomachs. (How to Lead a Life of Crime, The Eternal Ones, Otherworld)

I write some books with Jason Segel.

I’ve written quite a few books on my own.

I’m an Aquarius.

My favorite food is cauliflower. (No joke.)

I will eat almost anything. And I’m weirdly proud of it.

I believe New York City is the most magical place on earth.

I love Dolly Parton and David Attenborough. Equally.

I cannot sing or play any musical instruments.

I’m obsessed with sewers and sanitation systems.

I once broke into a Mayan temple with my brother, Spike.

Spike is an alias. It’s not his real name.

I also have a sister. She prefers to remain anonymous.

We have the same birthday.

Yes, that sucks.

I think that’s all you need to know.

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Thanks to Rockstar Book Tours for letting me join this event!

Check this out….


  1. Book really looks very good and I know I will enjoy reading it. I also love the cover. It makes you really think

  2. I love Jason Segal and he has wrote the funniest screen plays so I can only imagine that this will be good too!!

  3. This cover is beautiful & the idea of being in a game is fascinating.

  4. Samantha Wagner says

    I love the beautiful cover work and the book itself sounds like a great read!

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