How to pack items for shipping — eBay * Poshmark * PaperBackSwap

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Disclosure: I received discounted products. Post contains affiliate and referral links; I may earn commission if you make a purchase. Opinions shared are mine.

When my kids were small, I used to sell their used clothes on eBay. It was extra work, but made it possible for me to cycle through their clothes money. It was also fun! These days, sites like Poshmark make it potentially lucrative to sell used items online. Smartphones streamline the process even more. Sending items across the country via the postal system requires a bit of attention on the packing end. Here are some tips to help you pack items for shipping whether you’re using eBay, Poshmark, or some other online site.

I frequently trade books on PaperBackSwap, so that’s what I’m using as an example for this post. If you’re selling an item, your customer might expect a bit more effort. I’ve included those tips, too.

Trade Books Online - PaperBack Swap.
Cute poly mailers

Mailing Medium

First, you need to know the best way to ship your item. Make sure you have a variety of shipping envelopes or boxes on hand to accommodate your items. I often reuse Amazon mailers or other padded envelopes when mailing things, checking to make sure the barcodes and other labels are sufficiently marked out.

If you’re selling something, consider purchasing some cute poly mailers to make your shipment look like a gift when it arrives! The adorable polymailers pictured above have a self-sealing strip (as most do) and are made with biodegradable plastic.

Wrap the Item

Make sure you wrap the item well, especially if it’s something that can be easily damaged. I love it when Poshmark sellers wrap my purchase in tissue paper and even add a small ribbon. I definitely notice that thoughtful extra touch!

Since I’m mailing a book, I wanted to make sure that its pages stayed dry despite the weather the postal carrier may encounter. To protect the book, I wrapped it in a reused plastic bag. When I buy clothes online, they usually come in individual bags, so those get stored away in a cabinet for future use. If you’re reusing bags, be careful not to use something that once held a potential allergen. Avoid using bags that held something strongly scented, stored peanut products, or other possible triggers for your recipient.

If you have a packing slip, this is the time to include it in the package. Tape it to the outside of the protecting bag, or just slip it into the envelope.

Seal It Well

Even if your shipping envelope has its own sealing strip, be sure to add some adhesive of your own. I always go over the flap with a piece of packing tape. My preference is Duck Brand packing tape.

If your shipping label has a dotted or dashed line, I advise cutting it off before taping it down. I’ve heard of people who tried to cut their package open at the dotted line, only to find that they cut right through the enclosed item. You definitely don’t want that to happen to your buyer!

Selling items online can be fun and financially smart. Taking the time to pack your items well is a smart way to ensure return business. Good luck with mailing your packages!

Check this out….


  1. Thanks for the tips. Great for ebay and for sending holiday gifts too

  2. Mary Gardner says

    These are great tips. I always try to go through closets before the holidays and again in the spring and sell stuff we no longer wear on ebay.

  3. Best Post thanks for sharing this information I really like your posts.

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