Sam Saves the Night by Shari Simpson

Disclosure: I received a free copy of the book. Opinions shared are mine.

It’s hard enough being a little sister who misses her dad. Knowing that your dad sleepwalked off a bridge is even worse. Having the same sleepwalking disorder is pretty terrible.

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Inexpensive desk pad for home office can be used to cover other surfaces

Disclosure: I received discounted product. Opinions shared are mine.

We have a small home, and there isn’t an office space at all. My “desk” is the recliner or sometimes the dining room table. Lucky for me, the laptop is portable!

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Christmas Jars in theaters Monday 11/4 ONLY! #ChristmasJarsL3 DVD

Disclosure: I received a screener of this movie for review purposes. Post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may earn commission. Opinions shared are mine.

Have you heard of Christmas Jars? I confess that this is my first introduction to the concept. It’s amazing, you guys. I know we can all think of someone who needs to receive a little extra cheer around the holidays! This is a wonderful way to deliver some hollyjolly without expecting a return gift. I’ve already put the Christmas Jars book on hold at the library.

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It’s sweatshirt weather!

Disclosure: I received discounted product samples. Post contains affiliate links; I may earn commission if you make a purchase. Opinions shared are mine.

They say not to worry if you don’t like the weather in Tennessee. In 15 minutes, it will change.

It might not be quite that temperamental, but the weather definitely has a mind of its own! This morning it was in the 70s, but by this evening we had a freeze alert. It’s hard to know how to dress for ever-changing weather like this. In our rush to get out of the house this morning, we forgot to take jackets for trick-or-treating tonight, It was downright cold by the time we headed into the evening! I’m pulling out the sweaters and sweatshirts this weekend.

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Cute beanies and boyfriend tees for fall

Disclosure: I received discounted product samples. Post contains affiliate links; if you make a purchase, I may earn commission. Opinions shared are mine.

Fall weather hasn’t hit full force here yet, but it’s on its way. There’s a chill in the morning air, and Friday’s football game was downright cold. My daughter needs some new tees for fall. I plan to grab some of these adorable boyfriend tees from Cents of Style!

The perfect LONG SLEEVE boyfriend tee will be on sale for just $10.95 shipped! This event will run from 10/28/19-11/3/19 (Monday to Sunday). Use code JOANNA to get this deal. It’s available in 15 colors and comes in sizes up to 3XL. Pair this with last year’s blanket scarf and jeans to stretch out your wardrobe!

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Oh, the things you could write (with these pens)

Disclosure: I received discounted products. Opinions shared are mine.

As we enter a time of Thanksgiving, there are so many opportunities to use your words to lift up someone else.

#iMustech #ad
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2019 Reading Challenges #LibraryLoveChallenge

In the past few years, I’ve signed up for 2 different reading challenges. If I’m going to ignore the laundry and let dust pile up, at least I can feel a sense of accomplishment about it.

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If I Die Tonight by Alison Gaylin

Disclosure: Post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may earn commission. Opinions shared are mine.

Cell phones, social media, and small town gossip — it’s the recipe for rumor souffle. If I Die Tonight by Alison Gaylin is a 5 star read for me!

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Have you considered giving a power strip as a Christmas gift?

Disclosure: I received a free product. Post contains affiliate links; if you make a purchase after clicking on these links, I may earn commission. Opinions shared are mine.

As my kids get older, the number of devices in our home seems to increase. Last year, both kids received power strips from Santa. This year, it’s Mama’s turn to get a power strip!

power strip:
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The Fire Keeper by J.C. Cervantes, Irvin Rodriguez

Disclosure: I received a copy of the book from the publisher. Opinions shared are mine.

How in the world did I miss the Storm Runner series? It has everything I love in a middle grades adventure novel. Mythology tops the list! This book is perfect for fans of the Charlie Hernandez series.

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