No Place Like Here by Christina June

In going through my shelves this week, I found two copies of No Place Like Here by Christina June. I must have received two copies when I did an Instagram post earlier this summer. This isn’t a scary book — no tricks, just a treat!

My husband frequently teases me about my tendency to hoard books. He tells me that he’s scared I’ll be buried in a bookalanche someday. Hardy har har.

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How to pack items for shipping — eBay * Poshmark * PaperBackSwap

Disclosure: I received discounted products. Post contains affiliate and referral links; I may earn commission if you make a purchase. Opinions shared are mine.

When my kids were small, I used to sell their used clothes on eBay. It was extra work, but made it possible for me to cycle through their clothes money. It was also fun! These days, sites like Poshmark make it potentially lucrative to sell used items online. Smartphones streamline the process even more. Sending items across the country via the postal system requires a bit of attention on the packing end. Here are some tips to help you pack items for shipping whether you’re using eBay, Poshmark, or some other online site.

I frequently trade books on PaperBackSwap, so that’s what I’m using as an example for this post. If you’re selling an item, your customer might expect a bit more effort. I’ve included those tips, too.

Trade Books Online - PaperBack Swap. [Read more…]

Essential oil stocking stuffers

Disclosure: I received free product samples. Post contains affiliate links; if you make a purchase, I may earn commission. Opinions shared are mine.

Have someone on your gift list who likes natural products? Consider gifting a bottle of essential oils.

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Mother Knows Best by Kira Peikoff

Disclosure: I won this book from BookishFirst. Post contains affiliate links; if you make a purchase, I may earn commission. Opinions shared are mine.

There’s no doubt that loving a child changes a woman. Losing a child is devastating to a woman. The book Mother Knows Best gets the reader stuck in the limbo of loving and losing,

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Making the switch to glass storage containers with lids

Disclosure: I received discounted products. Post contains affiliate links; if you make a purchase, I may earn commission. Opinions shared are mine.

Now that it’s fall break and I have a few minutes of extra time, I plan to go through our house and try to clear out some clutter. We have a plethora of plastic containers from various food sources, but only a few BPA-free containers with matching lids. We’ve been cooking at home almost every day for the past two months, so we’re really in need of containers to store leftovers. It seemed like a good time to make the switch to glass containers. I ended up purchasing this set from Amazon.

Glass containers #ad
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Sonic DVD + Xbox Game #HalloHop

It’s hard to believe that it’s already mid-October! This year seems to be flying by. We’re on fall break this week, and my son is looking forward to playing some video games. He always loved the Sonic cartoon, so the Sonic Boom game is the best of both worlds.

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BODYMATE Compression Brace for Hip, Sciatica Nerve Pain Relief

Disclosure: I received discounted product. Post contains affiliate links; if you make a purchase, I may earn commission. Opinions shared are mine.

My husband has suffered from sciatica pain for as long as we’ve been married. His years of athletic abuse — football, wrestling, and baseball — took their toll on his back, hips, knees, and ankles. For my part, pregnancy and gravity impacted my joints’ happiness. So when given the chance to try this compression brace, I figured it couldn’t hurt worse than we already did!

Buy it on Amazon:
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10 Blind Dates by Ashley Elston

Disclosure: I received a copy of this book, thanks to the publisher. Opinions shared are mine.

10 Blind Dates #giveaway

I loved Ashley Elston’s book The Lying Woods, and could not volunteer quick enough for 10 Blind Dates! I just know that my daughter will steal it from me want to read it over fall break, so I took a quick skim through it for the purposes of this review.

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The Perfect Wife by JP Delaney

Disclosure: I received a free copy of this book from the publisher. Post contains affiliate links; if you make a purchase, I may earn commission. Opinions shared are mine.

No one else in the world seems to remember The Electric Grandmother, one of my favorite 1980s movies. I’ve asked many of my friends; none of them have seen it. The grandma in the movie was a robotic woman who could shoot chocolate milk out of her index finger. How awesome is that?!

So the entire time I was reading The Perfect Wife, I kept thinking that Abbie (or her bot version) was the 21st century version of The Electric Grandmother.

The Perfect Wife by J.P. Delaney
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Bruce’s Big Storm by Ryan Higgins

Disclosure: I was supposed to receive a copy of this book, but it hasn’t arrived yet. Opinions shared are mine, and based on the book’s Amazon preview.

With cute illustrations and humorous text, Bruce’s Big Storm will be a hit with kids! Bruce is pictured as a grumpy bear — complete with fussy-looking unibrow — and he doesn’t want to be bothered with neighbors. Kids love the type of story that has a grain of truth, pokes a little fun, and exaggerates reality. Bruce is sure to bring a smile to little faces.

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