Pass It On by Champ Thornton

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Disclosure: I received this book for the blog tour. Opinions shared are mine.

For those who like an old-school devotional but want to have deeper reflection questions, Pass It On by Champ Thornton is a good option.

This book centers around Proverbs and comes in journal format. It is even sized like a journal, with a pretty turquoise cover and feather motif.  Each chapter encourages the reader to ponder a portion of scripture, then respond to related personal questions such as “What’s the most important piece of advice you’ve received?”  The unique part of this devotional is its ultimate purpose; after completing the journal, it can be passed on as a significant momento to children or family members.

My husband is infinitely more introspective than I am, so I asked him to take a look at the journal. He really liked it and wanted to keep it as his own devotional.  It’s perfectly fine for both men and women, so that wasn’t a problem, but I think it could use a different cover design if it’s going to be marketed to the men.

Overall, this journal is appealing because of its journal response options and the depth of sentimental potential it possesses.  It would be a thoughtful gift to share with someone who enjoys relating personal stories with spiritual references.

Thanks to Litfuse for providing me with a copy of Pass It On.

Check this out….

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