Have you considered giving a power strip as a Christmas gift?

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Disclosure: I received a free product. Post contains affiliate links; if you make a purchase after clicking on these links, I may earn commission. Opinions shared are mine.

As my kids get older, the number of devices in our home seems to increase. Last year, both kids received power strips from Santa. This year, it’s Mama’s turn to get a power strip!

power strip:

There are so many things to love about the Jinish power strip. The unique shape makes it perfect for plugging things in from all angles. It’s extra handy since we can use it to charge phones via USB cords as well as traditional plugs. This is the plug you’ll want to have in the family room or anywhere else the whole family uses electronics.

Sometimes rectangular power strips make it tough to get everything plugged in. Some cords have a larger plug, which requires more space….and it might even take two spots. This triangular shape gives you options.

I have a feeling this surge protector is going to get a lot of use at the Savings in Seconds house! Consider the power strip as a holiday gift for the person on your Christmas list who has all the devices.

Check this out….


  1. I think a power strip as a gift is a great idea. I like practical gifts!

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