I stumbled upon this today while getting my free lip balm at Shop At Home………
The deal is good at Walmart, which also gives you 4% cashback right now. I couldn’t find any info that specified which video games were eligible—since it says any video game, I am hoping that it’s good on DS games. I placed an order (well, a pre-order) for the B-Units DS game that is rated E. The game was $14.96 on preorder. My son will love it, and after tax & shipping it was $18 and change. Since I’ll be getting a $10 gift card back, that will make it a net cost of just over $8. Not bad for getting a Christmas gift checked off!
It was the same price on Amazon as it was at Walmart, so I’m hoping that the gift card deal pays off.
If you find another great deal, please let me know. 🙂
This post contains my affiliate and/or referral links.
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