Affordable, professional photo editing from Krome

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Disclosure: This post is brought to you by Krome. The opinions shared here are 100% mine.

Now that the holidays are behind us, what are you planning to do with all those great photos you snapped? Whether you took pics at a family gathering or on your kids’ Christmas morning from Santa, you can connect your important mobile phone photos directly to a real human retouching professional with just a tap on an app!  Simple and time-saving, Krome Photos is a completely new class of mobile offering.  It’s the only service available for professional photo editing via the iPhone. The Krome app can be downloaded for free from the Apple App Store and you can start fixing those photos in just a few seconds!

Judging from the prices on my kids’ school photo shots, I expected the retouching fee to be extremely steep.  However, with Krome, prices start as low as 30 cents for simple enhancements and range to $4.99 for more advanced retouching or image editing.  I think that’s extremely affordable and such a timesaver for moms who are too busy to learn the ropes of photo editing software.

Easy, affordable photo editing with Krome. #ad


Even better, give Krome a try and receive $10 in free credit for first time users!  Their professionals can fix the composition and skin tones in your image, remove someone or something in the background that is distracting, fix or even artistically enhance certain colors, and more, all so you can ensure the best image before going to print your holiday cards or post holiday memories. All enhanced or retouched images are backed up online and can be seamlessly downloaded for later use.  For more details, check out Krome on Facebook.

Krome’s photo editors offer several tips for taking photos. It’s easy to use these suggestions when taking photos of your family!  I added some ideas of my own.

Think like a photojournalist. Make yourself invisible while your happy friends and family welcome your new little one to the clan.  Krome editors can help make your photos look better by smoothing out skin tones or whitening eyes and teeth during the editing process.

Set the scene.  Okay, I’ll admit that a new mom doesn’t have a lot of extra time and energy to stage a shot.  Still, you can capture a few images that frame up the location.  For instance, try taking a photo of the nursery when the morning sun is just starting to sparkle through the windows.  At your baby shower, take a long shot of the decorated table before guests are invited to be seated. Ask Krome editors to fix exposure on these types of wide shots if the outdoor sun or lighting is not just perfect.

Make the group shot interesting. The group line up is nice but what about having everyone doing something interesting even if it’s pointing at baby, opening birthday presents, playing a baby shower game, jumping at the same time, or laughing at a funny story. Colorful props can be fun; Krome photo can amplify the creative effect by enhancing specific colors, upon request.

Details do matter. It’s great to get the group shot but don’t forget to highlight the special features like the baby’s eyes or tiny toes.  At a baby shower, take a photo of a framed invitation or the beautiful flower arrangement that served as the centerpiece.  Krome can help focus in on a subject during the process by blurring the background to focus on a central image, cropping a bigger image or removing unwanted distractions.

Could Krome make photo editing a bit easier for you?  Now through Jan. 22, you can also enter to win a $25 Amazon gift card courtesy of Krome! 


Check this out….


  1. Jenna Wood says

    I’ve seen Krome do some great work, even with older images. having a service like this is a big time saver!

  2. Desiree Arpin says

    I have never even heard of Krome before. It looks like it does some pretty amazing work with editing photos.

  3. I am VERY impressed with those before and after images! I hadn’t heard of Krome and I take and edit my own pictures. However, I think this would be a great way for me to save time!

  4. Lisa Brown says

    the edited picture is great. i tend to take dark pictures and I like being able to brighten them with this service.


    I don’t have an apple phone, are there plans for a Android app?

  6. THe retouching on those is fantastic! Looks so natural! And the price is right too!

  7. Sherry Compton says

    My daughter does a lot of photo editing, and it is amazing the products out there and what they can do. I really like the girl and baby in front of the tree. Where the guy is taken out and the contrast is deepened.

  8. Taylor Schell says

    this is just truly amazing the customized editing that can be done. I had no idea people and objects could be edited out of a photo! I can’t wait to try

  9. Sherry Compton says

    I have several older photos that could be retouched or the color changed. This would be a big help with that.

  10. Sherry Compton says

    Props are great ideas for photos. They make their different and your own. You can even add in interesting things with editing software.

  11. Sherry Compton says

    The iPhone app would be really useful for a lot of people. It would make their photos more accessible and easier to handle.

  12. Sherry Compton says

    Sometimes with low lighting or group photos things are bound to happen. Being able to edit your photos later is nice.

  13. natalie parvis says

    I could really use something like this. I have some photos that need some love!

  14. Kitty Iecvan says

    This app would be so helpful for making my family pictures look better! And it’d be convenient too!

  15. Sherry Compton says

    I love how software and services is making it easier to change your photos for the better. You can adjust the lighting and color or even make them black and white.

  16. Sherry Compton says

    My mom would really love the custom iphone case with a family photo.

  17. Sherry Compton says

    It’s nice that you can keep your photos organized online and a copy there for safe-keeping. You can even tag them with keywords.

  18. That really made a difference in the photos.

  19. I have a new camera, and realize how much I need photo editing. Sometimes you can capture the perfect moment but the picture didn’t come out good – now that wouldn’t be a problem with Krome – it sounds wonderful! Need to try this!


  1. […] person in the background.  The Krome professionals can perfect your picture at minimal cost.   Read my post to get more ideas about the ways you can use […]

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