Really great deal on Shoebuy! One ends Wednesday 12/5

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Check out these shoes that I just ordered from Shoebuy.  The retail price on these was $65.95.


Now check out the price I paid—-$35.95.  Keep in mind that I’ll also get 19% cashback PLUS a $9.99 rebate.  Shoebuy charges no tax and no shipping charge.  The offer was $30 off a $60 purchase when using by VISA.
So my total spent, after the cashback and rebate, will be around $18.77.   Not bad!    ***If you want a lower out-of-pocket, you can use code EMLGIVING12 for $10 off your purchase.

Here’s what I did.  First of all, go to ShoeBuy. You can go through Shop At Home to get 19% cashback.  Your purchase must be $60 or above to take advantage of the VISA deal.   I used the search options at the left to help me find the shoes I wanted that were over the $60 mark.  Of course, you can get multiple items if you prefer.
If  you don’t want to do the VISA deal, or if your total is below $60, you can use code EMLGIVING12 for $10 off your purchase.

**Note— DO NOT add any other promo codes to this before you do the $30 off $60 code!    Only one code can be used, and I couldn’t figure out how to get the old code off, so I had to start all over.

Next, enter code  EMLVME30OFF60 in the promotional code area. See picture above.

If you want to request a rebate instead of getting the magazine offer, make sure that you CHECK the box as pictured below.  You can print off the rebate form here.

Next, you’ll need to sign up for a by VISA account.  It’s free, you just need to use a credit card at checkout.  When you checkout, be sure to click the payment option as pictured below.


The rest is checkout as normal.  Don’t forget to print out your receipt and send it in with your rebate form.  I did this immediately after checking out so that I wouldn’t forget.
In your email receipt, you’ll also get a $10 off deal for Bagsbuy.

This may seem like several extra steps, but it really doesn’t take long.  Just a few seconds saved me a bundle on a new pair of shoes!   This offer ends at midnight EST on Dec. 5.

The SAH link is my referral link. If you’re signing up for a new SAH account, it should give you $5 credit in your account!



Check this out….

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