Roar Like a Lion by Levi Lusko #giveaway #RoarLikeALionMIN #roarlikealion #tommynelsonbooks

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Disclosure: Many thanks to Thomas Nelson for providing this product/product information for review.  Opinions are 100% my own and not influenced by monetary compensation.  I received the book in exchange for this review and post.

If you ever read inspirational books, you’ve probably heard of the bestselling author Levi Lusko. His new devotional Roar Like a Lion is a terrific new addition for your bookshelf. Order it for a gift or to add to your church library!

Visit my Instagram page to enter to win the giveaway! One lucky winner will receive a physical copy of Roar Like A Lion. Note: This giveaway is limited to US winners only.  Giveaway ends 9/23/21.

This devotional has relevant real-world scenarios for kids in elementary and middle school. Students are used to facing tough situations such as crazy fears, academic struggles, and dealing with prickly people. Each message has a humor-laced anecdote paired with scriptural references. Finally, a very short prayer finishes each devotion.

Some of the pages feature a “Get Ready to Roar” sidebar that highlights a call to action. These are do-able activities that are often hands-on projects. I love this extension of the message.

Other pages have a “Did You Know?” section that provide background information to stretch readers’ minds.

I loved reading this devotional and highly recommend it for families and churches. My son is in 7th grade and might think he’s too old for devotionals like this, but I think a lot of them will apply to his life.

Check this out….

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