Rule of Law by Randy Singer

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Disclosure: I received this book from Litfuse Publicity. Opinions shared are mine.

I’m thinking of having some shirts and posters made, declaring “Randy Singer for President.”   For those who love TV shows with a government setting, the political thriller Rule of Law is a gold mine of reading material! 

Growing up in Fort Knox made it seem likely that I’d marry a military man.  My father and stepfather were both in the army, and I was intrigued by the idea of seeing the world through military travel.  Watching my mom struggle with the hardships of a deployed husband made me rethink that idea, though.  In Rule of Law, the uncertainty of a SEAL’s schedule impacts more than just Patrick’s work life.

This book is HUGE.  Still, I wanted to finish it in a day or two because the story was so engaging!   Sometimes in a long book, I get sidetracks and lose track of time.  Despite its multitude of pages,  author Randy Singer does a great job of keeping the pace measured by stating timestamps such as “Three days later” and detailing the day of the week.

Finally, I liked the fact that Paige is a successful woman in a tough world.  Her tenacity and intelligence played a huge role in the book, making her seem like a tremendous hero.  Singer contrasts Paige’s fierce professional side with her more tender spiritual side. I’m not savvy on laws and such, so these emotional moments connected me to the story a little better.

If you love to hum the Law & Order theme song on your morning commute, the book Rule of Law needs to be in your hands!

Thanks to Litfuse for including me in the tour.


Check this out….


  1. This is right up my alley. This and police procedurals. I consume them like candy, no calories though!

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