Seasons of an Amish Garden by Amy Clipston * 4 stories * @BookLookBlogger

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Disclosure:  I received a free book from the publisher. Post contains affiliate links; I may earn commission if you make a purchase. Opinions shared are mine.

Whether you’re a summer gardener or just enjoy the fruits of a gardener’s labor, you’re in for a treat with this Amy Clipston story collection.  Each story has its own flavor in Seasons of an Amish Garden.

Amy Clipston is one of my favorite Amish fiction authors.  Her stories have a unique charm that make the Plain life seem so natural.  Each story in this book is about 95 pages long.  That’s the perfect length for a lazy afternoon, right?  Even someone who doesn’t have much reading time can get lost in the story.

Today was a beautiful day here in Tennessee.  The sun was shining, a stark contrast to this weekend’s downpours, and the temperature hit 70 degrees.  It made me long to start planning my own garden!  Each story in this book has a garden theme, but the stories go much deeper than that.  Family values, relationships, and hard work are all meaningful themes of the book.

My favorite story in Seasons of the Amish Garden was The Fruits of Fall.  There was a deep message of generosity and hospitality that reminded me of Matthew 25:35:  “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in…” (NIV)  Tena’s reluctance to get involved with helping a stranger was  understandable, but Wayne’s open arms really stood out to me.  This story convicted me to share what I have as though I’m sharing with Jesus.

The author’s acknowledgments and glossary occurred at the end of each “chapter,” making each story special.

Check this out….


  1. This sounds like the perfect book to read while I wait for all of this snow to melt! I am super jealous of your 70 degree temperatures. 😉
    The Candid Cover recently posted…Review: The Truth About LeavingMy Profile

  2. I enjoy this author’s stories!

  3. rochelle haynes says

    looks like a nice book

  4. LeAnn Harbert says

    My Mother love stories about the Amish. I will tell her to check out this author.

  5. A good read, gardening season is here

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