Share the Love #Giveaway Hop – enter to win $10 Amazon gift card code

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Share the Love blog hop #giveaway - enter to win a $10 Amazon gift card

The Share the Love giveaway hop is a great idea because it is meant to honor our favorite book blogs. These are all bloggers who have gifted me with a giveaway prize, so I’m returning the love by sending them some follow pixie dust.  You benefit, too — one lucky reader will receive a $10 Amazon gift code.  Pretty sweet, right?

Stuck in Books is one of my favorite book review blogs.  The reviews are quick and easy to read, and I appreciate that there’s usually a heads-up if the book is too steamy or “adult”.  That helps me to decide if I want to read it.  In January, Stuck in Books hosted a giveaway-a-day month, and I visited pretty much every day to see which book was featured.  I like to participate in the giveaway hops that Stuck in Books hosts, too. Be sure to stop by and give them a shout-out!

Life as Eden recently made my day by sending me a giveaway notification.   Hooray!  It’s always fun to get that little note.  I enjoyed getting to visit this blog, because I hadn’t seen it before coming across the link on twitter.  Life As Eden has a fresh young vibe that comes across in her posts.  The updates are very conversational in nature, and make the reader feel as though we’re just chatting it up.  By the way, the book I chose was The Accident Season — thanks, Life as Eden!

Reading Over Sleeping pretty much sums up my mantra. Who needs sleep when you have books? I like that I can find recent reviews of books that are not new releases.  It’s nice to see the hot new books on blogs, but it’s also a relief to find books that have been around for a while (and maybe not so pricey).   In fact, I won the Kindle book Fangirl from Reading Over Sleeping.

Reading Lark was new to me; somehow I stumbled onto this blog in December.  I promptly read page after page of book reviews.   The reviews are very honest and informative; the criteria for the ratings seem very consistent with the types of books I prefer to read.  For example, it seems like the reviewers on Reading Lark have the same content tolerance that I have.  Because of that, I visit the site on a pretty regular basis these days.  I won the book Vanishing Girls from them in December, and might not have read it if I hadn’t found it on their site.

Tsundoku taught me a new Japanese word, which might just become my new nickname. You’ll have to visit the site to find out what it means!  If you like to live vicariously through book bloggers, this is one you’ll have to visit just for the book hauls, TBR updated, and pre-order lists.   I recently won the book Truthwitch from Tsundoku’s blogoversary giveaway, and I’m super excited to read it.

Be sure to check out these great blogs. Let them know that you visited by leaving a comment — remember, your comment matters! This giveaway is open to readers WW who have an Amazon account/can receive an Amazon e-gift code. Void where prohibited by law. Good luck!


Check this out….


  1. I’ll visit stuck in books first

  2. I guess I’ll go see Stuck in Books

  3. I’ll visit them all! 🙂

  4. I will start with Stuck In Books first, and work my way down!

  5. I’m going to check out Reading Over Sleeping.

  6. I plan to visit Stuck in Books first!

  7. Debbi Wellenstein says

    I’m going to check out Stuck in Books first, but I plan on visiting them all!

  8. Lisa Coomer Queen says

    I’m going to visit Reading Over Sleeping.

  9. Julie Waldron says

    I’ll visit Romance Novel Giveaways first.

  10. I’m going to visit Stuck in Books!

  11. I plan to visit stuck in books first.

  12. I plan to visit Stuck in Books first.

  13. I visited stuck on books first, because it was first on the list.

  14. Thanks so much for the kind words about Reading Lark! We are so happy that you found us and enjoy the reviews. 🙂

  15. I already love and follow Stuck in Books and Reading Lark, so probably Reading Over Sleeping.

  16. Sherry Compton says

    I like the name Reading over Sleeping; I’d want to visit that site.

  17. I started with Stuck in Books.

  18. Nice picks! Thanks for joining in this month!
    anna (herding cats & burning soup) recently posted…3.5 stars–Betting On The Wrong Brother by Cathryn FoxMy Profile

  19. Michelle Bledsoe says

    I am go to visit Reading Before Sleeping. Love the name.

  20. I’ll start with Stuck in Books!

  21. Janie McGaugh says

    Reading over Sleeping

  22. I’m starting with Stuck In Books first.

  23. Stuck in Books

  24. I visit Stuck in Books CONSTANTLY!! I love their book reviews.

  25. I’ll visit Reading over Sleeping (something I do too often) first.

  26. I visited reading over sleep first.

  27. Jenna Hudson says

    Im going to take a look at Reading Over Sleeping.

  28. I think I’ll visit Reading Lark first.

  29. I visited stuck in books first.

  30. I will be visiting Book Lovin’ Mamas first!

  31. Stuck in Books first

  32. I will visit Stuck in Books first.

  33. I am going to start with “Stuck In Books” first

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