Make any bowl a takeout container with silicone stretch lids

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Taking leftovers for lunch is a great way to save money and reduce waste. I’ve been doing this for years; it wasn’t an adjustment for me since my mom always took leftovers for her lunch. Somehow I’ve accumulated a treasure trove of bowls, yet few of them have their matching lids. Likewise, none of the lids floating around my kitchen seem to have coordinating bowls. Shew! I don’t like using single-use plastic wrap unless I’m in a pinch.Silicone stretch lids might just save my sanity.

Silicone lids:

For the photo above, I used one of the glass containers we received in October. The lid wasn’t a perfect fit, but it stretched to cover it completely. I haven’t had the chance to try the lids with liquids yet. I also haven’t used these in the microwave.

I was surprised at the variety of sizes included in this lid pack. The smaller lids are perfect for the small bowls we use for ranch dressing, ketchup, and sour cream.

At around $12 for the pack of 12 lids, you can turn any bowl into a takeout container for about $1. I plan to use them for tumbler mugs, too! This will be so convenient when I can’t find the proper lid when I’m in a hurry. Keep a couple in your car, and toss some in the camper. You can even use these directly on a piece of fruit if needed.

Check this out….

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