Stuff your wallet AND the stockings #ad

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Disclosure: I received a free product for posting. Post contains affiliate links; I may earn commission if you make a purchase. Opinions shared are mine.

Now through December, I’ll be featuring Christmas ideas and ways to save on your gift list.  If you haven’t started thinking about the holidays yet, it’s okay.  Start now by putting away a little at a time and you’ll be ready by early December.

This year my daughter is going on a big trip with the school band, so I’m trying to save our pennies as much as possible.  It’s going to take a lot of pennies to get her there!  To make sure it doesn’t all hit us at once, I try to take care of a few things each month.

My first suggestion is to start with the small stocking stuffers.  These are easy to find, and it’s a good reason to take advantage of sales.  When the kids were small, we used to buy each child one “big” toy.  They took a long time to choose that big toy, and often changed their minds several times before Christmas Day arrived.  By filling in the gaps with the stockings, I always have more than enough stashed away to have a wonderful assortment of gifts. Plus, I didn’t have to worry if they changed their mind since I waited to buy the “big” gift.

Subscription boxes make gift giving easy.  If you have a busy schedule (ha ha!!  That was a joke; who doesn’t?!) or you don’t know what your long-distance cousin’s son likes to play with, never fear.  That’s why online curators and subscription boxes are so popular.  They feature curated,  unique items to fill up a box.  All you have to do is wrap it — or send it directly to the recipient.   You could just give the subscription, but it can also serve as a way to make gift-giving easy at the holidays.  With some boxes, you can even split up the items to fill in lots of gift bags!  Look for ways to save in the next few months on these items.

While you’re at it, check out Grab Bag deals from retailers like Cents of Style.  They offer multiple items at a discounted price.  Again, you can split up the package, or gift it all to one person.   

Get it on Amazon:

If you’re a blogger, you can also find great things to review — then share those as gifts. For example, this beautiful RFID blocking wallet from FT Funtor would make a terrific gift for any lady on your list!

What are your tips for saving money on Christmas gifts?

Check this out….


  1. Sherry Compton says

    Christmas will be here soon. I do the same thing -one big toy and several smaller items. Kids often change their minds. There are so many toys and options out there it’s hard to pick. Can’t wait for your tips and suggestions. I have to say I’m interested in Walmarts box for myself.

  2. I would like that wallet for myself! Who’s going to stuff it in my stocking?? I love the size, fabric, color, the adorable little leaf ? This was pin worthy! Thank you for sharing!

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