The Giving Keys necklace

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Disclosure: I received products to sample. Also, the post contains affiliate links which means I will receive a small commission if you make a purchase through the link.  I use the commission to offer giveaways like this one!  The opinions shared here are 100% mine.

Enter to win an INSPIRE necklace - the giving keys -


Recently I had the chance to review a FabFitFun box.  There were so many wonderful products in the box that I wanted to share them with you!  The theme of this hop focuses on items that are reused or repurposed.  The Giving Keys has a terrific concept by repurposing old, used keys into jewelry. The jewelry is sold, the funds used to help transition homeless persons into the job market.  The inspiration doesn’t stop there, though.  Each key is engraved with a special message.  For example, the key on this pendant is engraved with the word “Inspire.”  Here’s the beautiful part.  When you are wearing this necklace, you must promise to pass on the message.  When you see someone else who needs your key’s message more than you do, you give away your necklace and let someone else have it for a while.  Isn’t that the coolest idea ever?

So readers, which one of you will win?  Enter on the Rafflecopter below (winning entries will be verified.)  The giveaway is open to US and Canada readers, ages 18+. Void where prohibited by law.  Good luck!

Giving keys

Check this out….


  1. Sherry Compton says

    I love the stories on the Giving Key…their examples of strength are amazing.

  2. Sherry Compton says

    Amazon has so many wonderful things. I like to buy microfiber towels for my daughter-in-law.

  3. Jessica D says

    I would use it to buy yarn

  4. Kendra Frampton says

    I would buy yarn for the blankets that I am working on!

  5. I would use it to buy cloth diaper covers so we can make the switch to cloth with my little one

  6. Janet W. says

    I would purchase a New Wave Enviro Tinted Stainless Steel Water Bottle with this Amazon gift code!

  7. Stephanie M says

    I’d buy a wagon for my son that we can use over and over this summer

  8. Probably some mason jars

  9. Trisha W. says

    I’d like to get some more Itzy Ritzy snack happens bags.

  10. Ashleigh Swerdfeger says

    Good question! Bamboo reusable towels or microfiber towels lol.

  11. Amanda Sakovitz says

    I would purchase a reusable water bottle!

  12. I’d get a bento box for my daughter for school

  13. Elizabeth Godschalx Wisniewski says

    I would buy a set of reusable sandwich bags. I’ve had my eye on a really cute set with apples.

  14. Thomas Murphy says

    I would buy some towels .

  15. Jessica Hughes says

    I’d buy a cloth diaper for my stash!

  16. heather eg kaufman says

    I would buy new water bottles for my kids.

  17. Helen May says

    I would use it towards a solar panel.

  18. I would put it towards some new diaper covers for my daughter.

  19. Carissa Joslyn says

    I really want to get some Glass Straws! you really never realize how many things around you have chemicals. I am really interested to get rid of plastic straws!

  20. Carissa Joslyn says

    If I won this necklace, I would give it to my friend, who’s son has Brain Cancer. She’s been so strong, I’d love for her to have this.

  21. I’d use it on a cloth diaper cover.

  22. I think I’d get either a good wet bag or some reusable sandwich bags.

  23. I would use it to buy some glass containers

  24. I would use it on a diaper cover for my new baby.

  25. I’d love a couple of new collapsible shopping bags.

  26. Rebecca T says

    I’d get some wool dryer balls or microfiber cleaning cloths. many other options!

  27. Skip Hop snack bags.

  28. Jessie C. says

    I would get lunch box for kids.

  29. Anne Perry says

    I would buy a new water bottle for myself.

  30. I want a retractable clothesline for my backyard.

  31. Dani Osenbaugh says

    I’d get some more food pouches. My kids love those & they’re so easy to fill!

  32. I would buy a new water bottle for myself

  33. Terra Heck says

    I’d use it to purchase some SKOY cloths. Thanks.

  34. I would get a bamboo cutting board.

  35. Jennifer L. says

    I would like to buy reusable produce bags.

  36. Stephanie says

    I’d buy another water bottle. Can never have enough!

  37. Oh how I love Amazon! I think Id get my kids some new stainless steel reusable water bottles

  38. I adore this idea! The Double Sided Pendant is my favorite and I’d like to give it to my sister in law!

  39. I’d buy my friend’s daughter a Green Toys Dump Truck.

  40. Sarah Hayes says

    i want to get silicone baking cups from amazon

  41. Sarah Hayes says

    i would pass the necklace on to a friend to inspire her each day to life live to the fullest one day at a time

  42. Natalie Brown says

    Hello! I would get the cute colorful set that you have your eye on. It’s perfect for the Summer time and so pretty too! Thank-you!

  43. Natalie Brown says

    Hello! I would keep this necklace for myself. It’s absolutely gorgeous! It would inspire me to talk with people about a violent free world. I fully believe that any sort of violence is never the answer to any situation. Thank-you!

  44. soha molina says

    I would buy a reusable pendant.

  45. I would purchase reusable menstrual pads. I am a huge fan of them, they are super comfy, but they can get really pricey. I would put the egift card towards that.
    Holly @ Woman Tribune recently posted…Tuesday Giveaway Linkup: May 13th – May 20thMy Profile

  46. I would put it towards a new water bottle so I could try to stop buying bottled water!

  47. wen budro says

    I would get something for food storage that isn’t plastic.

  48. maybe some reusuable tote bags

  49. Priscilla S. says

    I would buy a reusable water bottle.

  50. I would put it towards the reusable filter camelback waterbottle i’ve been drooling over!

  51. I would get a new water bottle. 😀 My favorite was busted and I want to replace it!

  52. I would try the reusable sandwich bags and make the switch to those.

  53. I would purchase a reusable lunch bag

  54. It’s finally spring here and I would like to hang some clothes outside to try and save on propane cost. I would like to buy two Clothesline pulleys. I would be able to hang 3 full loads on the line out the window that goes all the way to the big oak tree. It’s would save me lots of money not running the clothes dryer too.

  55. Wow what a great concept. I love paying it forward and this is such a great idea. I like that they hire those people trying to transition out of homelessness. I’d love to give this a key to my sister. Thanks for sharing & 4 caring~!

  56. I’d love some kind of food storage set for packing my lunch

  57. Brooke Adametz says

    I’d spend it on glass pantry containers.

  58. Some reusable snack bags!

  59. I would buy some reusable lunch bags for my kiddo’s summer camp lunch

  60. I love this idea. A great way to give jobs to people who need them and a great way to spread hope, love, etc. to people who need it right that moment.

  61. Cheryl Rogers says

    I need to get a phone case for my LG NExus 5 that is how I would spend it!

  62. Ebooks are reusable and eco-friendly, so that’s what I would buy.

  63. Elizabeth says

    I’m intrigued to try silicon muffin/cupcake liners because they are reusable. I’ve heard varied reports on how safe they are to use, so I would want to research to make sure I bought a reputable brand.

  64. Ann Fantom says

    I would buy a travel coffee mug (Contigo)

  65. Hannah Avery says

    i might buy a water bottle!

  66. new water bottles!

  67. Denise C says

    I might go for a reusable water bottle. I could use a new one.

  68. Pam Gurganus says

    I would use the gift card for my husband’s Amazon wish list!

  69. Pam Gurganus says

    I would pass the necklace on to my lovely niece!

  70. Kim Pinch says

    I would put it towards a reusable glass bottle.

  71. I would use it on gardening supplies.. so help feed our family year after year!

  72. amy rouse says

    a water bottle to use while running

  73. Patrick Siu says

    i need a shoe rack

  74. samantha penrod says

    I would buy bamboo towels

  75. i think i’d buy some tumblers with straws. kiddo could really use some.

  76. Jacqueline Lockie says

    I would gift it to my little sister 🙂

  77. Jacqueline Lockie says

    I would gift it to my little sister 🙂

  78. I could probably get some reusable batteries with that. Thanks – The Giving Tree looks so cool. I can’t wait to check it out!

  79. I need another water bottle.
    Thanks for the contest.

  80. Brenda I says

    I would get a Klean Kanteen.

  81. I’d love to use the gift card to buy a nice lunch box since I’m trying to start eating better and not spend so much money eating out!

  82. Misha Estrada says

    I would probably get some glass drinkware.

  83. I’d put it towards a new cloth diaper for my girls

  84. Claire Rheinheimer says

    I’d apply it towards another new cloth diaper for my daughter.

  85. Michele Behlen says

    I would use it to buy water bottles.

  86. I would buy some new organic cotton towels.

  87. Cynthia R says

    I would use it to buy a camelback waterbottle and some dish towels.

  88. Cynthia R says

    I think it is a great inspirational message, I would give this to my co worker’s friend suffering from lyme disease-

  89. I would buy some mason jars. I am getting ready for summer canning 🙂

  90. Steffi S says

    I would buy glass baby bottles or diaper covers.

  91. Tiffany W says

    I would buy glass straws.

  92. Jessica Forrestt says

    I will get a glass straw!

  93. Jessica Forrestt says

    My rafflecopter name is OrganicallYou 🙂

  94. kortney Picker says

    I would buy some cloth diapers, I have been wanting to cloth diaper, but didn’t have the means to do so! (I had stored up disposables from my first daughter, so it was cheaper to just use those!)

  95. kortney Picker says

    These necklaces mean so much more to so many people, I love the story behind them! I would probably wear this for awhile and then pass it on to one of my friends! So cool!

  96. I love the idea of the keys, and would probably give one to my daughter

  97. I’ve had my eye on the Little Green Pouch for awhile now. So we can take soft foods on the go with my little ones.

  98. I would buy some patio lights for our wedding, and then keep them as decoration at our home after that.

  99. Michelle says

    I would probably get a gift for someone, I have 5 Bdays coming up in the next couple months.

  100. Teresa Thompson says

    I would get a glass bottle.

  101. Stephanie says

    I would buy a cloth diaper

  102. Lee Mckoen says

    I would buy some reusable towels for sure!

  103. I’d get a cloth diaper.

  104. I wuold use it towards glass food storage containers.

  105. Erika Litteral says

    gardening kit

  106. Sheila Owen says

    I too would buy Ikea Kalas Kids Plastic BPA Free Flatware, Bowl, Plate, Tumbler Set , I was looking at these the other day thinking they would be perfect for our trips to the state parks here in NY.

  107. Daniel M says

    I’d get some reusable towels

  108. I will buy a new waterbottle!

  109. amy craft says

    reusable snack bags

  110. jennifer cervantes says

    i would use it for reusable snack bags!

  111. Alisha Sienkiel says

    I would buy some Mason canning jars.

  112. Maybe a cloth diaper – I have three kids in cloth!

  113. I love the endless keys necklace! I would pass this necklace on to my daughter and explain what ‘inspire’ means -she’s only four years old but loves to have special pieces of jewelry to wear.

  114. This panda diaper is on my wish list. 🙂 My little one is from China, and his whole room is pandas.

  115. Sarah Oswald says

    I alwasys wanted to try those reusable sandwich bags so I would probably get those.

  116. Chavonne H says

    I would probably purchase some grocery items like cereals.

  117. Chavonne H says

    I think the Giving Key is a wonderful idea! My mom and I were in and out of homelessness for 4 years so we know how tough it is and how it can break you mentally. I would give it to someone homeless to let them know there is hope and it doesn’t and won’t always be this way.

  118. I would get some silicone baking cups. I am really loving the silicone to bake with!

  119. a mug with my name on it 😀

  120. amanda whiltey says

    i would get bento boxes for my husbands lunches.

  121. I want to get a reuseable popsicle mold!

  122. Sky Evans says

    I would buy a reusable book!

  123. Sky Evans says

    This would inspire me to reuse.

  124. Christine M says

    I would buy organic snacks, not reusable 🙂

  125. I would use it on glass storage containers!

  126. My friend’s teenage granddaughter could use some Inspiration.

  127. Dusty Schnur says

    I would use it to buy some reusable squirt bags for my sons baby food.

  128. Nicole Sender says

    I’d buy my grandson a book!

  129. Nicole Sender says

    I’d buy my grandson a book!


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