Disclosure: I received a free copy of this book from the publisher. Post contains affiliate links; if you make a purchase, I may earn commission. Opinions shared are mine.
No one else in the world seems to remember The Electric Grandmother, one of my favorite 1980s movies. I’ve asked many of my friends; none of them have seen it. The grandma in the movie was a robotic woman who could shoot chocolate milk out of her index finger. How awesome is that?!
So the entire time I was reading The Perfect Wife, I kept thinking that Abbie (or her bot version) was the 21st century version of The Electric Grandmother.

There are some major news-worthy headlines going on in this story. I hesitate to put them in print because *you just need to read it for yourself* people! The back-and-forth perspective between the chapters left me unsettled, and then I realized that I didn’t relax at all while reading this book. Author J.P. Delaney worked in several controversial threads that made the entire story feel like a political statement at times. The end result was an interesting, cautionary tale that could be a glass-half-empty or glass-half-full scenario, depending on where you stand.
I fear that I may not actually be smart enough to understand this book, because the end is confusing to me in a big way. I think I get it, but could use some Spark Notes to help me out.
Ultimately, I’d give this book 4 out of 5 stars. The pace was slow, yet all-consuming, and I felt rather disoriented while trying to figure out the details.
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