The Two Lila Bennetts by Liz Fenton and Lisa Steinke

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Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book thanks to the publisher. Opinions shared are mine.

I find the idea of a parallel universe just fascinating. The Two Lila Bennetts explores a similar idea — one character with two distinct story lines. It’s reminiscent of the movie Sliding Doors with a darker twist. While I think the duality of the story is easier to understand on-screen, it was interesting to see this take. Authors Liz Fenton and Lisa Steinke pulled it off in spectacular fashion!

I read an early e-copy of the book (thanks to the publisher & Netgalley) so my version was an uncorrected proof. At first, I thought the similar phrasing was in error, but soon realized it was the authors’ way of tying the two stories together. The book is well written. I highlighted many quotes that seemed so perfect for life in general, but especially in terms of bettering oneself. This was one of my favorite books by the L & L duo!

Right off the bat, it’s clear that Lila Bennett is not inherently a good person. She’s definitely not the friend you wish you had. Her character reminded me of Annalise Keating from How to Get Away With Murder, and not just because they’re both lawyers. I have to admit that Lila started to grow on me as events started impacting her life. The layers of her personality started to unravel, and she became more human and relatable. I can’t say that I agreed with her life choices, but I can appreciate that she tried to make amends for the wrongs she committed.

The strong message of self-reflection can’t be avoided in The Two Lila Bennetts. The book forces you to think about right vs. wrong, ethical issues, and the balance of determination against compassion. I love how the authors made tiny pinpricks in my theories along the way. I thought I had the “whodunnit” figured out until 2/3 of the way through the book when I realized that it was definitely someone else! That gotcha made the whole book readworthy. Don’t miss it!

Check this out….


  1. John Smith says

    I feel certain that some of the people I know live in parallel universes!

  2. Jana Leah says

    Sounds really good. I like the whole parallel universes aspect.

  3. Sounds really deep, I like these thoughtful interesting books.. for sure like the whole universe idea.

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