The Widow of Pale Harbor by Hester Fox #TheWidowOfPaleHarbor #NetGalley

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Disclosure: I received a copy of this book from the publisher. Opinions shared are mine. Post contains affiliate links; I may earn commission if you make a purchase.

I absolutely loved Hester Fox’s first novel The Witch of Willow Hall, so I couldn’t believe my luck when I was given a copy of her second book! The Widow of Pale Harbor has such an ethereal, beautiful cover.

From the beginning of the book, I could almost see the swirling fog winding around my ankles as I explored Pale Harbor. There’s an ominous sense of deja vu in some of the details, until it’s revealed that the events of the book are connected to some of Poe’s stories. Nice touch!

The actual Widow of Pale Harbor, Sophy Carver, has a live-in friend (Helen) who reminded me of a creepy version of Batman’s Alfred. Her presence made Sophy seem almost helpless at many points, so it seemed out of character when Sophy was able to show some backbone. This back-and-forth was strangely discomforting.

I was disappointed in the lack of paranormal elements in the book, especially when there were some witchy vibes in the early pages. Most of the eerie factor focused around the town’s distrust of Mrs. Carver. While I understand that public opinion and groupthink would have played a real role in a situation like Pale Harbor’s story, it just had so much more potential. There was a lot of strong profanity that didn’t seem to fit, either.

I didn’t love this book, but didn’t hate it either. It’s a solid 3 stars for me.

Check this out….


  1. Sounds like such a book you cannot put down. I love the cover art too. It really sets the mood.

  2. Tracie Cooper says

    I love this types of books. My bestie and I have our own two gal book club and this book would be perfect.

  3. This sounds like a fantastic read especially with fall around the corner.

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