The Wife Between Us by Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen @StMartinsPress

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All summer, my daughter has wanted to have a couple of Starbucks hours together. We headed out this afternoon for a caffeinated pick me up, but realized that we left the house without our books.  It was a providential excuse to stop at the bookstore on the way.  After some deliberation, I ended up treating myself to a book that I’ve been wanting to read for months.

(Disclosure: This is my Amazon affiliate link; if you make a purchase, I may earn commission. Opinions shared are mine.) 

Book bloggers have been raving about The Wife Between Us by Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen.  Until today, I hadn’t read the summary.   I advise you to ignore the summary, too.  Sometimes there’s such a thing as too much information, and in this case, it’s printed right on the book jacket.  So just pick up the book, enjoy that creepyish Stepford-Wives cover, and start reading.  I finished it in one day.

What I liked best about The Wife Between Us is that it ties together several events in a timeline.  There were some red herrings thrown in, too, and while I expected some of the twists, I didn’t anticipate all of them.  The story is well-written, making it perfect to sit down with all afternoon.  It’s a little too detailed in some parts, but it’s all part of the mind game.

I love clever plots that take a familiar scenario and turn it upside down.  That’s what The Wife Between Us felt like.  It’s definitely going to get passed around to my book-loving friends at work!

Do you avoid book summaries, or do you like to read them?


Check this out….


  1. I’m all for impromptu trips to the bookstore! This one sounds like a real winner too.

  2. You can never have too many red herrings.

  3. I read the summaries sometimes. A lot of times, I buy the books that I am already interested in, so reading the summary is unnecessary to me. I love books with twists and turns! Those are usually the that take me one day to read. I just have to know what is next!
    The title of this book sounds interesting to me. I pinned this.

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