Giving my kids some TV independence #sponsored

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Disclosure:  I participated in a Blog Blast program on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Kidoodle.TV. I received a promotional item and a free trial as a thank you for participating.

My kids love watching TV on their iPads. Most of the time they are with me in the same room so I can monitor what’s being watched. Sometimes, though, the iPads are on when I’m not able to directly supervise the kids. While I’d like to think that my kids are completely honest and trustworthy, I’m also realistic. It’s so very easy for children to stumble upon something inappropriate, potentially dangerous even, online.   My daughter asked a few days ago if she could watch Breaking Bad, because she saw it on the “Recently Viewed” titles after my husband watched it.  Many 9 year olds wouldn’t even ask first; this made me realize how much I need to be guiding her choices when it comes to online entertainment.  When I heard about Kidoodle.TV I was quite interested to know what it was about.

The first thing I noticed was that the Kidoodle.TV trial is completely risk-free. I never entered a credit card number.

The information at the last submission page states that I will be notified when my trial is over so that I may subscribe if I wish. To me, that’s excellent customer service! I don’t have to jump through hoops to avoid being charged if I’m not completely sure I want the service. Next, it was very easy to set up my kids.  You can add up to 5 kids to one account.  It really only took a few seconds to select their age groups and personalize their pages with characters and colors. Finally, I browsed the available videos for each child. We’re pretty selective about the shows we allow our children to watch and I’m happy to say that Kidoodle.TV seems to be, too.  Child safety is a priority with Kidoodle.TV.  None of the choices stood out to me as being too mature for my kids.

Kidoodle.TV lets me give my kids some TV independence.

I love the high-quality options such as National Geographic and academic support such as Clash of the Titans (in cartoon form). Kidoodle.TV is also very versatile. While it can be enjoyed on your device, you can also view the videos on your computer. I’d also guess that you can watch on your TV if you have an internet-enabled television. I’ll also throw in the fact that there are a lot of shows on this site that I have never heard of or seen.  I’ll check these out with my kids before letting them have that TV independence.  Still, it’s nice to know that there is some new entertainment on the way!

What do you have to lose?   Try Kidoodle.TV for FREE — plus you get the chance to win 1 of 10 tablets or 1 of 10 Kidoodle.TV year-long subscriptions if you enter by December 31, 2013!   It’s easy; just go to Kidoodle.TV to sign up for a free trial. Follow the on-screen directions and submit!  It only takes a few seconds and then you’re on your way to watching fun shows with your kids.  This is a service that I’ll definitely use with my kids.  Knowing that they are on a monitored site with age-appropriate  programming is important to me.  What do you think about Kidoodle.TV?

Like what you see? Follow Kidoodle.TV on Twitter and on Facebook to keep up with the news!


Check this out….


  1. That does sound like a handy thing to have if your kids are younger.

  2. I’ve got to share this with my friends who have young kids. I bet it will be a hit!

  3. I’ll have to tell my sisters in law about this. I don’t have children…
    Thanks for the info!

  4. That does sound great to have, especially with little kids at home. My 11 year old brother was watching a TV show that one of the older siblings was watching and now he’s been having nightmares for weeks… all because he saw it on the Netflix recently watched list. – Katy

  5. I think it’s great Kidoodle is free; it’s hard to fine quality programming for kids. Even some of the ‘kids’ appropriate shows are a bit mature in theme.

  6. so cool- i will check it out

  7. I like the sound of risk-free. I am always leery when I have to enter a credit card number to try something out.

  8. Our tv was always in the kitchen or the next room so we could check quickly what they were watching but boy could they get it turned on to something inappropriate quickly. Kidoodle sounds like a great first step to independence.

  9. Yikes, that would have been not so good if she’d started watching Breaking Bad! I love that I don’t have to put in a credit card first.

  10. i will have to keep this in mind when my son grows older!

  11. This looks great! My boys love watching the Mother Goose Club videos on YouTube, but today it started off with an ad for Stella Artois…. oops! Thankfully you can skip it after 5 seconds, but I obviously need to become more vigilant as they get older.

  12. God I Need This For My Kids, FREE Trial Is Great!!

  13. Looks like a great service. I love that you can try it out for free.

  14. Kiddoodle looks so great! I would love to check them out!

  15. Velvet Hubler says

    It sounds so go0d for the kids and the chance to win is awesome

  16. Mary Dailey says

    I don’t have small children, but this would be so good for the grandchildren. I wish I had had it when my son was small.

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