Treat your pet like family with True Science VetIQ products

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Disclosure: The opinions in this article are my own. I do not work for, or with, any brand mentioned in this article, nor do I have any official relationship with them. I have a relationship with GigaSavvy, for whom I create original editorial content.  I received these products in exchange for an honest review. Opinions shared are mine.
Vet IQ dog treats #giveaway -

I’m a label reader, and tend to pay attention to ingredients over calorie content.  Since I do that for my kids, it’s only reasonable that I should do so for my pets.  After all, they’re part of the family!  Our dog enjoys having a daily treat, but we have to avoid certain ingredients (especially wheat) because of her food sensitivities.  True Science VetIQ offers dog treats that serve a double purpose — check them out for your pet!  We received the VetIQ Minties dental treats and the Hip & Joint chews.

Vet IQ dog treats #giveaway -

While I was trying to get these treat bags opened, my fluffy sweet pea pranced around my feet waiting for her moment.  The second that I bent down to show her the goods, she snatched them out of my hand.   The first treat to go was Minties.  Since we must pay an extra fee to have her teeth brushed at the groomer, I’m glad that Minties cleans teeth by helping to remove plaque and tartar.  This is a much more economical way to maintain her dental health!  The treats are bone-shaped and are easily big enough to break in half.  These are available at several nearby stores, including Target and Kmart.

I can also find Hip & Joint chews at local stores.  Our dog is a mini-schnauzer, therefore prone to hip problems. When she was a puppy, her legs and hips popped out of joint frequently.  The vet was concerned that corrective surgery might be necessary.  Although she grew out of it, it’s important that we keep her hips and joints as healthy as possible to avoid damage that could affect her future.  Since the Hip & Joint chews come in a pack of 45, they are easy to indulge her with a daily treat.  She doesn’t know that they’re good for her….she only cares that they taste good!  She definitely found the treat appealing, and gobbled it up in seconds.

Do you have a fur baby who would enjoy the VetIQ line of products? disclosure

Check this out….


  1. Angelica Dimeo says

    I would pick skincoat because it would make my friends dog’s coat shine and look less dull

  2. steve weber says

    I would pick the heartshield plus I want to protect my dog from heartworms!

  3. Our dogs would like to try VetIQ Pill Treats to make pills easier to take. They’d also like to try Heart Shield Plus as an alternative to the Heart Guard Plus they’re taking.

  4. I would love to get our dogs the VetIQ® Maximum Strength Skin Coat! Our senior rescue we adopted gets dry itchy skin at times and would love to see if these help his skin!

  5. I would like to try all of their products starting with MINTIES

  6. oops. I want her to try the Minties because of her bad breath.

  7. Dotty J Boucher says

    I think the dogs would love the minties for their breath

  8. ColleenMarie says

    I would like to try the SKin Coat soft chews for my dogs.

  9. Sherry Compton says

    Being a small dog, our Missy has already had knee trouble so I think the Hip and Joint would be good for her.

  10. My little alien pug would choose the VetIQ® Maximum Strength Skin Coat. He has skin problems, itching, scratching, etc. I love him and want him to feel better. 🙂 Thank you.

  11. I think the Skin Coat treats would be perfect for my dogs. They could always use help with their coats!

  12. paige chandler says

    Petals the Pug would like the minties. I wont tell her but she could use help with her breath, Sigh

  13. Jeanine Carlson says

    I think I’d try the VetIQ® Maximum Strength Skin Coat for my furbabies!

  14. Joanne Gregory says

    My older dog would benefit from the hip & joint soft chews. He is getting a little stiff when he gets up.

  15. Our dog, Lady is 12 years old and we have started in the past few years watching what we feed her and these products look like they are really good for an aging dog.

  16. Jessica K. says

    I would like to try the hip and joint treats. My dog is starting to get older- she is 7, so it’s time we start to focus her food and treats on older dog care.

  17. My Tinkerbell would like to try the VetIQ® Maximum Strength Skin Coat treats because she has problems with skin allergies!

  18. I would like to try their VetIQ® Maximum Strength Skin Coat. It looks like they have some great products for my dog.

  19. Shelley Joy P says

    I’d love to try the VetIQ® Maximum Strength Hip & Joint chews. I have a 17 yr old spaniel mix who needs a soft chew to help with her stiff joints. For my other dogs I’d love to try the VetIQ® Pill Treats because giving them pills is impossible 🙂

  20. Laurie Emerson says

    All 3 would enjoy the Pill Treats as it would be a treat they would enjoy while having to take a pill that they do not enjoy.

  21. Emily Endrizzi says

    I would like to try the SkinCoat treats. I have one dog who sheds non-stop and the other seems itchy more than normal. They both have flaky, dry skin. I think this might help them both.

  22. Hannah C says

    My dog would like the Maximum Strength Skin Coat because she needs something that will help her skin look shiny and soft.

  23. Daniel Scott says

    I would pick the Minties. I brush my dog’s teeth and these would be great for between brushings.

  24. Corey Olomon says

    I would love to give my dog Minties.

  25. Corey Olomon says

    I would give my dog Minties because she has trouble with plaque build up.

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