What’s your gift wrapping strategy?

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It’s fun to hear how other people strategize the wrapping of Christmas gifts. These days, we don’t give exchange many gifts with others. Most of the gifts I buy are for my own kids. Other than that, we tend to give cash or gift cards for anyone else. It does make things easier! Sometimes, though, you just can’t avoid the need to wrap gifts. So in those moments, what’s your strategy?

gift bags #ad nimnikusa #xmasbags

Gift Bags

I’m all about the path of least resistance when it comes to wrapping gifts. Keeping a few generic gift bags on hand is as complicated as I get. These are nice and sturdy. The size is generous, too. You can fit at least one or two clothing items inside, or maybe a large book.

Wrap As You Buy

Some of my friends wrap gifts as they buy them. According to these overachieving individuals, they keep a list of what they wrapped for each person so as not to forget the purchase. I’ve tried this trick in the past. It only led to me (a) forgetting what I bought, and (b) forgetting where I put it. It’s a lot like that scene in National Lampoons Christmas Vacation where Clark finds a gift he hid in the attic.

Wrapping Party

Other people seem to enjoy wrapping gifts so much that they plan a party around it. In this case, there’s usually a holiday theme complete with Christmas movie or music, snacks, and maybe a carol or two. Again, I’m just not organized enough for this type of situation.

Don’t Wrap At All

Finally, some people don’t wrap gifts. They just hand over the gift in whatever packaging it came in, be it a plastic Walmart bag or a poly mailer. I admit to being this type of gifter at times.

So, which way do you wrap?

Check this out….


  1. John Smith says

    I try to find really nice wrapping paper, but I like the idea of presenting with a gift bag–it’s really much easier!

  2. I really like the gift bag ideas. They are less wasteful as you can reuse them the next year. They are also quick and easy to use with no folding and taping

  3. Dana Rodriguez says

    You have great ideas. I always end up doing it at the last minute.

  4. Mary Gardner says

    I try to wrap as I buy though sometimes that doesn’t happen. I like to wrap gifts that are in a box or container that doesn’t make it too difficult. If it is a pain to wrap in goes in a gift bag.

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