Ever wonder when it DOESN’T pay to use a discount code? If you’re in doubt, consider the refund you’d receive if you were unhappy with your purchase. Recently I made a purchase from a gardener’s supply company and used a 15% discount code. Here’s why I used the code……there was a free shipping offer, but the discount code was a better deal by a few dollars. I asked customer service if they could honor both discounts, but they said they would only take one. So the 15% off would be a no brainer, right? I also paid a high shipping fee to have the items delivered so the total savings was pretty slim. My shipping costs were 12% of the item price, so shipping for those two items totaled about $22.50. When two of the products I purchased didn’t meet my satisfaction, I returned them. It cost about $22 to ship them back because they were heavy items, but I didn’t want to keep them around and have them go to waste. I noticed that the refund on my credit card was significantly less than expected, so I contacted customer service yet again. The representative explained that because I used the discount code, it was reflected on my refund. So I paid a total of $44.50+ to have these items shipped both ways.
Don’t get me wrong; they are completely correct in the refund I received. However, that means I paid shipping both ways for two products that I really wasn’t happy with. Could I have found similar items if I had shopped local? Maybe. It definitely would have saved me money to get free shipping, because I would have received the total value back. Next time I’ll probably shop with Amazon or some other site that offers free shipping. At the very least, if in doubt I’ll opt for the free shipping option since it will save me the extra money if I decide to return the items. I’ve learned a valuable lesson through this experience. And I probably won’t be shopping with this company again, even though they have a good selection of gardening products. This experience left a bad taste in my mouth.
I often order from Boden and other online clothing companies when they offer a discount code. Boden frequently has a Buy 3 get 1 free sale (or something similar). Sometimes codes stack and sometimes they don’t. I always consider what will happen if I return one of the items……which typically means that the item is going to be considered the “free item” thus no refund will be issued. So if I’m not absolutely positive that I’ll be happy with the purchase, I use another discount. I shop online all of the time and am usually happy with my purchases. It saves me time, money, and sanity to shop online, so this won’t change my ways……it will just make me think ahead a little bit more.
When have you been disappointed with a purchase-and-return scenario? How did you handle it? Did it impact your decision to shop with that business again?
I do a lot of online shopping since I live in the boonies and (fingers crossed) I’ve been pretty fortunate. Most of mine is done with Amazon and the only return I’ve had to make was LL Bean and they are pretty good about things.
Patty recently posted…Putting Up Fence and Building a Gate – No Deer or Goats will #DigIn to MY Berry Garden! #ad
I do a lot of online shopping so codes are great to use. Thanks for telling us about them!
mel recently posted…The Awesome Duane Reade App for the iPhone #DRApp #cbias
Oh my gosh I am sorry about this. It did happen to me before – wasn’t happy with the product but I wasn’t able to send it back on time so it has just gone to waste 🙁
Jadey Sam recently posted…Conzace Multivitamins – Momma’s Partner in Boosting Immunity
we bought a pair of Vibram five finger shoes once online from a retailer. They ended up not fitting right. So we were going to do a return and get a refund. Until we found out we had to pay for the return shipping. And we couldn’t just ship them back how we wanted, but we had to use THEIR carrier. The cost of the return was going to cost MORE than we paid for the shoes themselves! And that is saying something because vibrams aren’t cheap! So instead we kept them and sold them on craigslist and got most of our money back. So now, instead of using discount codes to drop the price on an item, we always check the shipping options and if they have free return shipping or well priced return shipping. We won’t shop from that retailer again. It was such a hassle dealing with them. But that doesn’t stop us from shopping online. I agree, it saves us a lot of money and time to shop online. We use AMAZON a LOT because of the free shipping option. And a lot of times they have something for less than it costs in our local stores.
Amber Edwards recently posted…Discover an Affordable Walmart Family Mobile Plan with No contracts and unlimited service | #FamilyMobileSaves #cbias
I didn’t even think of selling them on Craigslist. That would have been so much better!
Dede recently posted…When it DOESN’T pay to use a discount code.
It’s stuff like this as to why I try to stick to free shipping offers that do not have a restock or return fee. I love Amazon for their ease of return and try to order from them whenever possible because of how friendly they are.
Krista recently posted…Wholly Guacamole Review and a Recipe
Great info. It always pays to shop around, I guess.
Jenn recently posted…7 Things on Sunday
I am a massive on line shopper but shipping costs drive me to Amazon almost every time!
SHELLEY R ZUREK recently posted…Spring Extra Bucks? $100? Kmart LocalAd Sweeps @Kmart #SWEEPS
wow, never thought about it this way… I shop online, but normally on Amazon…
I don’t usually buy things that might require a return online; it is simply too much of a hassle. That is why I do all my shopping on Amazon which has a great, company covered, return shipping program.
I make sure there is free return shipping before I order from any company because I’m notorious for returning things.
Sarah BB @ East9thStreet recently posted…Stylish Camera Bags For Any Photographer
I am extremely careful when buying online, and most of the time, I won’t even order if I know it will be a hassle to return. I hate the high shipping costs–that keeps me from using a discount code sometimes.
love discount code especially when the cashier lady tell me i don’t have to pay anything because the coupons covered everhting
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I have and it is very frustrating. Sometimes it feels like it is almost worth keeping it, just to save the shipping.
Little Miss Kate recently posted…Shopping healthy with the help of Healthy Shopper
I do my best to buy stuff I can return. Otherwise I take a very long time deciding to buy an item. I do return some items, but can’t really complain
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