When your keyring weighs more than your firstborn

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Sometimes 2 is better than 1 -- savingsinseconds.com

There was a time when my keyring looked like it belonged to a latchkey kid instead of a mom. On it, you would find only my house key and a car key. Nothing more, nothing less. I attached the keys to a tiny velcro wallet that was the 90’s equivalent of today’s clutch. Then I added the key to open my classroom at work. I got a purse to look more professional since the fuzz on my velcro wallet thing wasn’t very attractive. My keyring grew heavier with the addition of dozens of shopper loyalty cards. Oh, and then added the key to my husband’s car. Let’s not forget the cute key fob that helped me find the keyring in the dark depths of my ever growing purse. By this time my keyring no longer jingled when I picked it up. It could now inflict serious damage if it were launched as a weapon.

Simplify your keyring today.  savingsinseconds.com

Finally it dawned on me that I didn’t need to carry all of those loyalty cards on my ring. I transferred all of the little plastic cards to a separate ring and keep it in the pocket of my purse. When my husband is running to the store for me, I can hand him the keyring without having to remove a key. (He never keeps up with his cards.) It is also easier if I need to leave the car running in the Walgreens drive thru….I can just hand my rewards card in and leave my keys in the ignition.   If the kids are watching TV while I’m filling the gas tank, I can still get the gas-rewards discount AND leave the keys in the car so they can watch their show.  The best thing, though, is how much lighter it has made my keyring. Isn’t it funny how this small bit of liberation can make me feel so happy? What can I say, I am easy to please.

Is your keyring tipping the scales, or are you a minimalist?

Check this out….


  1. Jenna Wood says

    I, too, have a second keyring just for loyalty cards, it makes life so much simpler!

  2. WOW! that is a lot of Loyalty cards! I only have one! ha ha. My key ring is VERY lite. Only one car key!

  3. I love the loyalty cards but wouldn’t it be great if they could just be all on one card. Goodness knows one card could store all that data right? You suggestion is perfect!

  4. I actually don’t have a large key ring for once!

  5. This is a pretty cool idea! I wish though like Shelly said that they could use one card for all.

  6. What a smart idea!! I’ve been thinking of using an app on my iPhone to store all of my rewards cards info. Either way, I’ve got to reduce the mess on my keyring!!

  7. So smart! Too bad I have a hard time keeping track of ONE key ring, I know I would totally lose TWO in a second! 😉

  8. Sherry Compton says

    I have all my loyalty cards on a separate ring, too. My keys are in a different pocket from everything so they are easily accessible. I still have too much in my purse though. 🙂

  9. I keep mine on a separate ring…just gets to be too much!

  10. Diane Cooper says

    What a great idea! You have just taken alot of frustration from my life!

  11. Sarah Hayes says

    very smart idea! I dont think i wouldve though of that lol.

  12. Haha! Mine is like that! You should see how many things I have on my key ring! I need to do something about it bad!

  13. Kathleen says

    I have what I would say is a medium weight key ring; the basic- house keys, two vehicle keys and they are hanging from a “Mom” key ring my daughter bought for me from Disneyland. I wonder why so many of you carry those loyalty cards (I myself have several) when all you have to do is recite your phone# to the clerk. Sure is nice when you forget to bring it, and that is how I discovered I could just leave them home. Problem solved….

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