Bluetooth wireless earbuds earphones that don’t cost a fortune

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Disclosure: I received free product to sample. Post contains affiliate links; if you make a purchase, I may earn commission. Opinions shared are mine.

I like to listen to audiobooks while cooking and doing laundry. Those activities aren’t easy to do with wires from earbuds hanging about. My family does not enjoy listening to my audiobooks, though, so I needed to find another option. Wireless earbuds are so handy to have, but I did not want to buy an expensive pair that would make me stressed about losing or damaging them. This pair from DamaGood is good quality without costing a fortune.

DamaGoods wireless earbuds with charging case
Wireless Earbuds on Amazon:

I was so surprised with the small size of this wireless set. The earbuds come in a tiny case that charged in just a few minutes. In the bottom of the box I found instructions and extra earbuds.

DamaGood wireless earbuds

After seeing how great these were, I felt a little guilty keeping these earbuds for myself. I showed them to my daughter who squealed with delight! She often listens to music while doing her homework or drawing. While I would enjoy using them, I know she will really love them. She had the earbuds paired to her phone within no time, and was jamming out to her favorite BTS songs.

Check this out….


  1. I like these earbuds. what about Sound Quality?
    Thank you

  2. I have tried these earbuds and they are absolutely amazing. The sound quality is quite tremendous.

  3. I like these earbuds. Sound quality is very good.
    Janaton chakma recently posted…Best Earbuds for Music Lovers in 2019My Profile

  4. It’s a looking nice earbuds. Sound quality is very good.

  5. What’s the purpose of the protruding plastic thing above the earbuds?

  6. Mary Gardner says

    These would make a great gift for a few people on my list and i love the price point on them.

  7. These earbuds are easy to carry, Look wise they are not bad, will work for me thanks.
    Sheraz Qureshi recently posted…Has Cyber Truck really broken the records?-Everything you need to knowMy Profile

  8. These earbuds look amazing. I think sound quality will be great.

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