Wise Guys by Kent Evans #WiseGuys #flyby

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Disclosure (in accordance with the FTC’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising”): Many thanks to Propeller Consulting, LLC for providing this prize for the giveaway. Choice of winners and opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation. I received the product in exchange for this review and post.
#WiseGuys #FlyBy #giveaway - savingsinseconds.com

One of the toughest parts that my mom faced as a single parent was raising a son without Wise Guys to help. My dad wasn’t a strong presence, and my brother missed out on the enriching experience of having a man in his life. Guidance is something every child needs (and deserves). In his book Wise Guys, Kent Evans pays homage to those men who influenced him in positive ways.
In his opening pages, Evans makes a strong argument with regard to the changes society has made in the past few decades. He places the responsibility of the disconnect squarely on the adults, primarily the men. Why? We are the examples. I wholeheartedly agree with much of Evans’s message. We live in a culture where children are being raised by their grandparents due to their parents’ lack of maturity. Dysfunctional families have become the norm in many communities. Discipline has become watered down, or entirely absent, in exchange for a tolerance and soft-heartedness that has ruined so many children. Now, let’s be real — Wise Guys can’t cure everything in these situations. Being a mentor, though, can help. It can change the path, the direction, for one person. And isn’t that enough?

Wise Guys contains several personal stories in which men demonstrate qualities of wisdom. Some of the stories are hilarious, and I laughed out loud more than once. Evans totally busted me when I skipped ahead to Chapter 9. The caption reads, “No shortcuts” and the first paragraph blasted me for skipping ahead. How did he know?! So, I took his advice and went back to read the other pages I’d skimmed. Yes, it was worth it!

The biggest love I have for this book — anyone can be a Wise Guy. It’s not gender specific. We all have something to offer, talents to share. Whether you’re mentoring your own children, praying for a missionary in Africa, or smiling at the Walmart greeter, you are brightening the world a little at a time. We can all stop to consider our words, or send a letter of encouragement to someone we love. I encourage you to read this book and find your own way to make your corner of the world a better place.

One lucky reader will receive a copy of Wise Guys, plus a $5 Amazon gift code to round out the prize package. Only one entrant per mailing address, per giveaway. If you have won a prize from our sponsor Propeller / FlyBy Promotions in the last 30 days, you are not eligible to win. Or if you have won the same prize on another blog, you are not eligible to win it again. Winner is subject to eligibility verification. The contest is open to US/CAN readers, ages 18+. Void where prohibited by law. Good luck!


Check this out….


  1. I would like to win this book for my hubby!

  2. I want to win the book for my brother.
    Thanks for the contest.

  3. rochelle haynes says

    I would like to win because the book sounds good

  4. Judy Cox says

    I would give this to my daughter if I won. She thrives on these type of books or movies. She is always on a lookout on different books by different people with different ideas. I know she hasn’t seen this!!

  5. I’d like to read this book because it looks informative.

  6. i love to read blog and then i love books

  7. Katherine Riley says

    I would love to have this book for my son. I raised him as a single mom and now that he is a parent, I think this book would help him.

  8. I would love to win this because it sounds like a good Christian book. 🙂

  9. I want this book because there aren’t enough wise people in my life.

  10. Sherry Compton says

    I think it would be an interesting perspective…mentoring from a father of four boys.

  11. Jerry Marquardt says

    This would be an excellent book to learn the tricks of bringing up my nephew when he is over. I would highly recommend this to any parent or relative of children.

  12. Amy Deeter says

    Oh wow, this looks like a great book. Would love to read this

  13. Jerry Marquardt says

    I also love that Kent Evans writes in clear and understandable terminology. It makes it much easier to read.

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