I had to go back and look at what I thought about book #1 before writing this review. Turns out, I had similar feelings (3-star, kind of liked it/kind of didn’t). I appreciated getting to read this one, thanks to the publisher for giving me a copy. Opinions shared are mine.

While You Can Hide wasn’t significantly better than the first book, it had an interesting mystery that held my attention. For the record, I did not solve the mystery, so Zanetti got me there. I find Laurel Snow’s character to be slightly annoying. She’s incredibly smart, but socially awkward. It comes across as playing dumb at times, which I realize is not accurate — it’s just that she doesn’t pick up on social cues or sarcasm very well. Still, it gets super tiresome to read her weird reactions. I also find it strange that the author continually comments on characters’ clothing, jewelry, and things like that. It often happens at odd moments, which makes those observations feel like they’re added on as fillers.
This is one series that you definitely want to read in order. Otherwise, the character interactions would not make sense. At this point, I am not sure if I’ll read book 3 or not.
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