Using the BEST coupon code for online shopping.

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Using paper coupons is one thing.  When you venture into the world of online shopping, it can be a bit overwhelming to figure out which code is best to use.   Many of my friends are intimidated by shopping online because they think it’s more expensive.  Actually, I find that it usually is LESS expensive for me, but I take a few extra seconds to find the best deal before I click “submit.”

A few weeks ago I placed an online order for a specific item that was only found on one site.  I normally wouldn’t have ordered from this company because the shipping cost was outrageous ($11.95 for something that weighed about two ounces) , but they had something I could only find on that site, so I was out of luck.  My order was around $50 and shipping was $11.95.  CRAZY!!!!    They sent me an email with my first order offering me flat $4.95 shipping on my next order.  Okay…..that might be good.   In my package, there was a paper coupon for $5 off a $30 order.  Hmmmm…..could be even better.

Well, I went online last night and placed a second order.  Like I said, they have what I need and it’s exclusive to this site.   My order was around $37 and shipping was going to be $8.95.  Okay, let’s take a look at these scenarios…..
(1)  $37 + $8.95 shipping – $5 coupon= $40.95 total   (remember, I had to have a minimum purchase of $30 to use this one)

(2)  $37 + $4.95 shipping= $41.95 total

When I was browsing the website, I noticed that there was a different coupon code that could be used for a $25 purchase which gave me FREE shipping.  I had an extraneous item in my cart that was $10, didn’t absolutely have to have it, so I took it out of the cart and used the new code.  Check out my total now!

(3) $27 + $0 shipping = $27 total

Even if I did scenario #2 and took out the $10 item, my total still would have been higher at $31.95.  So you see, it paid off to search for just an extra few seconds to find a better deal.

If you have a hard time calculating which code gives you the best price, just enter the code at the checkout page and click “recalculate” or “update.”  Then pay attention to the total.  I use this often when I’m shopping on Boden or similar sites that have multiple codes at the same time.

Do you take the extra time to find a good deal?  Why or why not?

P.S.  I actually emailed the company and told them that their shipping was outrageously high.  More on what they responded in this post!!




Check this out….


  1. I absolutely always search for coupons and savings before placing an online order, unfortunately I don’t always find one 🙁 Sometime you just have to bite it if it’s what you need. Sounds like you worked it out and got the best deal possible though on that second order, good job! 🙂
    Molly recently posted…Wii Win Giveaway- Blogger Sign-Ups till June 30My Profile


  1. Part 2 of my shipping saga says:

    […] if you read my previous post about the crazy shipping fee I paid, you know that it got under my skin just a bit.  I sent a polite email to customer service  to […]

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